I am a twin brother of Daffyd in Little Britain. I am the only gay in my village. Then I went to Dubai. It took all my shame, insecurity and indignity of being gay away from me. Yes! You read me right “I went to Dubai not to London”. If you are thinking, isn’t that an Arabic country where being gay is criminal? Or isn’t that the country where a couple got arrested, jailed and deported for having sex on the beach. Yes, that’s true. It’s the same city. But there are so many things that you don’t read in news-papers. It is in people’s mind and each one has their own version. As I am gay, my version is little bit gay with Friends, Sex, Party and True love.....
There are gays who realise that they are gay only after having trouble with their girl friend or after using internet and see the options in sex or after going through a traumatic situation. But I born gay and I always knew it. Egyptians are the sexiest men in the world, I was taught in Islam religious class. Since then I started dreaming Egyptians and Arab men.